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- /* idl_rpc_client.c - Client side routines for the IDL RPC feature */
- /*
- Copyright (c) 1988-1997, Research Systems Inc. All rights reserved.
- This software includes information which is proprietary to and a
- trade secret of Research Systems, Inc. It is not to be disclosed
- to anyone outside of this organization. Reproduction by any means
- whatsoever is prohibited without express written permission.
- */
- static char rcsid[] = "$Id: rpc_clnt.c,v 1.5 1997/01/29 21:17:45 kirk Exp $";
- /*
- * Contents:
- * This file contains routines that are used on the client side
- * of the IDL RPC routines. This includes all API functions as
- * well as API support routines.
- */
- /*
- * Header files
- */
- #include "idl_rpc.h"
- #include "rpc_xdr.h"
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <netdb.h>
- /*
- * Declare the global timeout variable and set a default value
- */
- static struct timeval s_rpcTimeOut = { 60, 0 }; /* default of 60 secs */
- /*
- * local functions
- */
- void idl_rpc_delvar(IDL_VPTR pVar); /* deletes dynamic memory */
- void idl_rpc_strup(char * dst, char * src); /* upcases an char string */
- int idl_rpc_valid_str(char *s); /* syntax check a command line */
- /*
- * Declare the rpc buffer size
- */
- #define RPC_BUF_SIZE (8*1024)
- /*********************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCInit()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This function is used to perform the connection to the rpc server
- * and other startup initialization of the rpc client. All idl rpc
- * clients should call this routine before executing any IDL rpc
- * operations.
- *
- * entry:
- * lServerId - integer ID of the rpc server. 0 => use default
- * pszHostname - the hostname of the server. NULL => localhost
- *
- * exit:
- * Function returns a CLIENT pointer that references the client/server
- * connection or returns NULL if there was an error.
- */
- CLIENT *IDL_RPCInit( long lServerId, char* pszHostname)
- {
- int iSock = RPC_ANYSOCK;
- struct hostent *pHostent;
- struct sockaddr_in ServerAddr;
- CLIENT *pClient;
- /*
- * Check input parameters
- */
- if(lServerId == 0)
- if( (pszHostname == (char*)NULL) || (*pszHostname == '\0'))
- pszHostname = "localhost";
- /*
- * Get the host information
- */
- if( (pHostent = gethostbyname(pszHostname)) == (struct hostent*)NULL){
- perror("gethostbyname");
- return (CLIENT*)NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Copy the host address into the server address struct
- */
- bcopy(pHostent->h_addr, (caddr_t)&ServerAddr.sin_addr, pHostent->h_length);
- ServerAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; /* address type */
- ServerAddr.sin_port = 0;
- /*
- * Connect to the client usign TCP/IP
- */
- if( (pClient = (CLIENT*)clnttcp_create(&ServerAddr, lServerId,
- clnt_pcreateerror("clnttcp_create");
- }
- return pClient; /* return the client struct */
- }
- /******************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCCleanup()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This routine should be called when the user no longer desires to
- * use the rpc server. This routine will unregister the client and
- * if desired by the user, halt the rpc server.
- *
- * entry:
- * pClient - The CLIENT ^ that refs the server/client connection
- * that will be affected.
- * iKill - If true the RPC server will be killed.
- *
- * exit:
- * RPC client unregistered and if iKill was set, the server is killed.
- *
- */
- int IDL_RPCCleanup( CLIENT *pClient, int iKill)
- {
- enum clnt_stat rpcResult=RPC_SUCCESS;
- /*
- * Does the user want to kill the server?
- */
- if(iKill)
- rpcResult = clnt_call(pClient, IDL_RPC_CLEANUP, /* kill server */
- (xdrproc_t)xdr_void, 0, (xdrproc_t)xdr_void, 0,
- s_rpcTimeOut);
- if(pClient != (CLIENT*)NULL)
- clnt_destroy(pClient);
- return (rpcResult == RPC_SUCCESS ? 1 : 0);
- }
- /******************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCTimeout()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This routine is used to set the value of the rpc timeout being
- * used in the rpc calls to the server. The timeout value units
- * are seconds. Returns 0 on failure.
- *
- * entry:
- * lTimeOut - New timeout value in seconds.
- *
- * exit:
- * Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
- *
- */
- int IDL_RPCTimeout(long lTimeOut)
- {
- /*
- * make sure that the timeout value looks "sane".
- */
- if(lTimeOut <= 0)
- return 0;
- s_rpcTimeOut.tv_sec = lTimeOut;
- return 1;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * idl_rpc_valid_str()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This function checks to make sure that a string contains
- * a valid IDL command. Commands the start with $ or contain
- * "$" that are used for line continuations can cause the IDL
- * server to hang. This function is used to validate command
- * lines before they are sent to the server.
- *
- * entry:
- * s - command string to check.
- *
- * exit:
- * 0 - command string is ok
- * -1 - command string is invalid
- */
- int idl_rpc_valid_str(char *s)
- {
- if(s == (char*)NULL)
- return 0; /* valid */
- if(*s == '$')
- return -1; /* invalid */
- /*
- * Loop thru and check for a '$'
- */
- while(*++s){
- if( *s == '$'){
- /*
- * if this is preceeded by a alpha or an '_' it should be a
- * variable name, otherwise signal an error.
- */
- if( !isalpha(*(s-1)) && *(s-1) != '_' && *(s-1) != '$')
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return 0; /* command string is OK */
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCExecuteStr()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This routine is used to send an IDL command string to the rpc
- * server. This string should be in the form of a single IDL command line.
- * The return value of this function is the value of !ERROR after
- * the completion of the command.
- *
- * entry:
- * pClient - The CLIENT ^ that refs the client/server connection.
- * pszCommand - The command line to send to the server
- *
- * exit:
- * Return Value:
- * 0 - Command executed ok.
- * -1 - Invalid command line.
- * other - Value of !ERROR in the IDL server.
- *
- */
- int IDL_RPCExecuteStr( CLIENT *pClient, char * pszCommand)
- {
- enum clnt_stat rpcResult;
- int iCmdResult;
- /*
- * check for a null command...why send it.
- */
- if(pszCommand == (char*)NULL)
- return 1; /* null commands are ok */
- /*
- * A command spawn using $ can cause problems and should not be sent
- * to the server. Lets check for this.
- */
- if(idl_rpc_valid_str(pszCommand)){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCExecuteStr: %s\n",
- "Shell command and line continue symbols not allowed");
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Send the command string to the server.
- */
- rpcResult = clnt_call(pClient, IDL_RPC_EXE_STR,
- (xdrproc_t)xdr_wrapstring, (char*)&pszCommand,
- (xdrproc_t)xdr_int, (char*)&iCmdResult,
- s_rpcTimeOut);
- if(rpcResult != RPC_SUCCESS){
- clnt_perror( pClient, "IDL_RPCExecuteStr");
- iCmdResult = 0;
- }
- return iCmdResult;
- }
- /*****************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCOutputCapture()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This routine is used to enable and disable the capture of the
- * output lines from IDL on the server side. If the input argument
- * is greater than zero, the capture of output lines is enabled with
- * the size of the output queue (in lines) equal to the input parameter.
- * If the input parameter is <= zero, the caputure queue is emptied and
- * the capture of output lines is disabled.
- *
- * entry:
- * pClient - The CLIENT ^ that refs the client/server connection.
- * n_lines - The number of output lines to store. A value <=0
- * disables the storage of output lines.
- * exit:
- * Return Values:
- * 1 - All is ok
- * 0 - an error occurred.
- */
- int IDL_RPCOutputCapture( CLIENT *pClient, int n_lines)
- {
- enum clnt_stat rpcResult;
- int iResult;
- /*
- * Send the number of lines to capture to the server.
- */
- rpcResult = clnt_call(pClient, IDL_RPC_OUT_CAPTURE,
- (xdrproc_t)xdr_int, (char*)&n_lines,
- (xdrproc_t)xdr_int, (char*)&iResult,
- s_rpcTimeOut);
- if(rpcResult != RPC_SUCCESS){
- clnt_perror(pClient, "IDL_RPCOutputCapture");
- return 0;
- }
- return 1; /* thats it */
- }
- /*******************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCSetMainVariable()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This function is used to set the value of a variable that
- * is at the main level of the IDL RPC server. If the variable
- * doesnt exist at the main level on the server side, the server
- * will create it.
- *
- * entry:
- * pClient - The CLIENT ^ that refs the client/server connection.
- * Name - The name of the variable to be set.
- * pVar - An IDL_VPTR that contains the value that the variable
- * should be set to.
- * exit:
- * Return Values:
- * 0 - ok
- * 1 - Error occurred
- */
- int IDL_RPCSetMainVariable( CLIENT *pClient, char *Name, IDL_VPTR pVar)
- {
- enum clnt_stat rpcResult;
- IDL_RPC_VARIABLE rpcVar; /* struct that holds vptr and Name */
- int iResult=0;
- char szBuffer[124];
- /*
- * Put the information in the rpc variable structure and send it
- * to the server.
- */
- idl_rpc_strup(szBuffer, Name); /* upcase name */
- rpcVar.name = szBuffer;
- rpcVar.pVariable = pVar;
- /*
- * If the variable is a string that is dynamically allocated, make
- * sure that the V_DYNAMIC flag is set. With out this flag set,
- * there can be problems on the server side.
- */
- if(pVar->type == IDL_TYP_STRING){
- if(pVar->value.str.stype){
- pVar->flags |= IDL_V_DYNAMIC;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Send this info to the server.
- */
- rpcResult = clnt_call(pClient, IDL_RPC_SET_MAIN_VAR,
- (xdrproc_t)IDL_RPC_xdr_variable, (char*)&rpcVar,
- (xdrproc_t)xdr_void, 0, s_rpcTimeOut);
- if(rpcResult != RPC_SUCCESS){
- clnt_perror(pClient, "IDL_RPCSetMainVariable");
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /*************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCGetMainVariable()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This function is used to get the value of a variable
- * that is located at the main IDL level on the IDL RPC server.
- * The IDL_VPTR that is returned from this function is dynamically
- * allocated and should be deallocated using the IDL_RPCDeltmp()
- * function when the user is finished with it.
- *
- * entry:
- * pClient - The CLIENT ^ that refs the client/server connection.
- * Name - The name of the desired variable.
- *
- * exit:
- * Return Value:
- * On success this function returns an IDL_VPTR that points
- * to an IDL_VARIABLE structure that contains the value of
- * the requested variable. On failure this function returns
- * NULL.
- */
- IDL_VPTR IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(CLIENT *pClient, char *Name)
- {
- IDL_VPTR pVar;
- enum clnt_stat rpcResult;
- char szBuffer[124];
- char *pChar;
- idl_rpc_strup(szBuffer, Name); /* make sure it is uppercase */
- bzero((char*)&rpcVar, sizeof(IDL_RPC_VARIABLE)); /* clear out */
- pChar = (char*)szBuffer;
- /*
- * Request the variable from the server
- */
- rpcResult = clnt_call(pClient, IDL_RPC_GET_MAIN_VAR,
- (xdrproc_t)xdr_wrapstring, (char*)&pChar,
- (xdrproc_t)IDL_RPC_xdr_variable, (char*)&rpcVar,
- s_rpcTimeOut);
- if(rpcResult != RPC_SUCCESS){
- clnt_perror(pClient, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable");
- return (IDL_VPTR)NULL;
- }
- return rpcVar.pVariable; /* return the value */
- }
- /*******************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCSetVariable()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This function is used to set the value of a variable that
- * is in the current scope of the IDL RPC server. If the variable
- * doesnt exist at this level on the server side, the server
- * will create it.
- *
- * entry:
- * pClient - The CLIENT ^ that refs the client/server connection.
- * Name - The name of the variable to be set.
- * pVar - An IDL_VPTR that contains the value that the variable
- * should be set to.
- * exit:
- * Return Values:
- * 0 - ok
- * 1 - Error occurred
- */
- int IDL_RPCSetVariable( CLIENT *pClient, char *Name, IDL_VPTR pVar)
- {
- enum clnt_stat rpcResult;
- int iResult=0;
- char szBuffer[124];
- /*
- * Put the information in the rpc variable structure and send it
- * to the server.
- */
- idl_rpc_strup(szBuffer, Name);
- rpcVar.name = Name;
- rpcVar.pVariable = pVar;
- /*
- * If the variable is a string that is dynamically allocated, make
- * sure that the V_DYNAMIC flag is set. With out this flag set,
- * there can be problems on the server side.
- */
- if(pVar->type == IDL_TYP_STRING){
- if(pVar->value.str.stype){
- pVar->flags |= IDL_V_DYNAMIC;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Send this info to the server.
- */
- rpcResult = clnt_call(pClient, IDL_RPC_SET_VAR,
- (xdrproc_t)IDL_RPC_xdr_variable, (char*)&rpcVar,
- (xdrproc_t)xdr_void, 0, s_rpcTimeOut);
- if(rpcResult != RPC_SUCCESS){
- clnt_perror(pClient, "IDL_RPCSetVariable");
- iResult=0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /*************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCGetVariable()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This function is used to get the value of a variable
- * that is located in the current IDL scope on the IDL RPC server.
- * The IDL_VPTR that is returned from this function is dynamically
- * allocated and should be deallocated using the IDL_RPCDeltmp()
- * function when the user is finished with it.
- *
- * entry:
- * pClient - The CLIENT ^ that refs the client/server connection.
- * Name - The name of the desired variable.
- *
- * exit:
- * Return Value:
- * On success this function returns an IDL_VPTR that points
- * to an IDL_VARIABLE structure that contains the value of
- * the requested variable. On failure this function returns
- * NULL.
- */
- IDL_VPTR IDL_RPCGetVariable(CLIENT *pClient, char *Name)
- {
- IDL_VPTR pVar;
- enum clnt_stat rpcResult;
- char szBuffer[124];
- char *pChar;
- idl_rpc_strup(szBuffer, Name); /* make sure it is uppercase */
- pChar = (char*)szBuffer;
- bzero((char*)&rpcVar, sizeof(IDL_RPC_VARIABLE)); /* clear out */
- rpcResult = clnt_call(pClient, IDL_RPC_GET_VAR,
- (xdrproc_t)xdr_wrapstring, (char*)&pChar,
- (xdrproc_t)IDL_RPC_xdr_variable, (char*)&rpcVar,
- s_rpcTimeOut);
- if(rpcResult != RPC_SUCCESS){
- clnt_perror(pClient, "IDL_RPCGetVariable");
- return (IDL_VPTR)NULL;
- }
- return rpcVar.pVariable;
- }
- /*************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCOuputGetStr()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This function is used to get a line from the output queue that
- * is being kept on the RPC server. The routine IDL_RPCOutputCapture()
- * MUST have been called with a positive arguement before this routine.
- *
- * entry:
- * pClient - The CLIENT ^ that refs the client/server connection.
- * pLine - A ^ to a valid structure of type pLine. This
- * structure will be filled with the next line
- * and information about this line.
- * first - If not 0, the value should be popped from the
- * output queue, not dequeued.
- */
- int IDL_RPCOutputGetStr(CLIENT *pClient, IDL_RPC_LINE_S *pLine, int first)
- {
- enum clnt_stat rpcResult;
- /*
- * Get the line from the server
- */
- rpcResult = clnt_call(pClient, IDL_RPC_OUT_STR,
- (xdrproc_t)xdr_int, (char*)&first,
- (xdrproc_t)IDL_RPC_xdr_line_s, (char*)pLine,
- s_rpcTimeOut);
- if(rpcResult != RPC_SUCCESS){
- clnt_perror(pClient, "IDL_RPCOutputGetStr");
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * A flag value of -1 indicates that there are no more values
- * in the ouput queue
- */
- return (pLine->flags == -1 ? 0 : 1);
- }
- /*************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCVarCopy()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Used to emulate IDL_VarCopy() on the client side. The value
- * of the source variable is copied to the destination variable.
- * If the source variable has the IDL_V_TMP flag set, any dynamic
- * part of the source variable is moved to the destination variable
- * and not copied.
- *
- * Any dynamic memory associated with the destination variable
- * is freed before the copy is performed.
- *
- * entry:
- * src - ^ to variable to be copied.
- * dst - ^ to variable that will have info copied to it.
- *
- * exit:
- * src - not changed
- * dst - Any original dynamic data has been deallocated and it now
- * contains the value that was in src.
- *
- */
- void IDL_RPCVarCopy(IDL_VPTR src, IDL_VPTR dst)
- {
- int flags;
- flags = dst->flags; /* save the destination flags */
- /*
- * Free up any dynamic memory used by the dst variable
- */
- idl_rpc_delvar(dst);
- dst->flags = flags & ~(IDL_V_ARR & IDL_V_DYNAMIC); /* save some flags */
- dst->type = src->type; /* get the type of the copied var */
- /*
- * Is the variable an array?
- */
- if( src->flags & IDL_V_ARR){
- /*
- * Is the source variable a *temporary* variable (or at least
- * marked as such)? If so, just copy the arr pointer to the
- * src variable.
- */
- if(src->flags & IDL_V_TEMP){
- dst->value.arr = src->value.arr;
- src->flags &= ~(IDL_V_NOT_SCALAR); /* take out array bit */
- idl_rpc_delvar(src); /* free any other memory being used */
- }else{ /* need to copy over the data! */
- dst->value.arr = (IDL_ARRAY*)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(IDL_ARRAY));
- if(!dst->value.arr){
- perror("malloc");
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Copy over the array info.
- */
- bcopy((char*)src->value.arr,(char*)dst->value.arr, sizeof(IDL_ARRAY));
- dst->value.arr->data = (UCHAR*)malloc(src->value.arr->arr_len);
- if(!dst->value.arr->data){
- perror("malloc");
- free((char*)dst->value.arr);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Copy over the array info
- */
- bcopy((char*)src->value.arr->data, (char*)dst->value.arr->data,
- src->value.arr->arr_len);
- dst->flags |= IDL_V_DYNAMIC;
- }
- dst->flags |= IDL_V_ARR;
- }else { /* a scalar */
- /*
- * just copy over the alltypes union
- */
- bcopy((char*)&dst->value, (char*)&src->value, sizeof(IDL_ALLTYPES));
- dst->flags = dst->flags & ~(IDL_V_NOT_SCALAR);
- }
- }
- /********************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCDeltmp()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This function emulates the IDL_Deltmp() function. This is used
- * to delete any dynamic memory that is allocated to create
- * a variable. This function calls idl_rpc_delvar() which keys off
- * the IDL_V_DYNAMIC flag or if a scalar is a string.
- *
- * If the IDL_V_TEMP bit is set, the IDL_VARIABLE will also be
- * deallocated.
- *
- * entry:
- * vTmp - A variable that will have its memory freed.
- *
- * exit:
- * vTmp - Any dynamic memory associated with vTmp is freed.
- */
- void IDL_RPCDeltmp( IDL_VPTR vTmp)
- {
- if(!vTmp)
- return;
- /*
- * Free up any dynamic memory in the variable
- */
- idl_rpc_delvar(vTmp);
- /*
- * If the IDL_V_TEMP bit is not set, return.
- */
- if(!(vTmp->flags & IDL_V_TEMP))
- return;
- free((char*)vTmp); /* free the IDL_VARIABLE */
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCGettmp()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Used to emulate the IDL function IDL_Gettmp(). Allocates
- * memory for an IDL_VARIABLE struct and returns a pointer
- * to this value. The IDL_V_TEMP flag is set to indicate
- * that this value will need to be free'd later in the program.
- *
- * entry:
- * Nothing.
- *
- * exit:
- * Return Value:
- * Returns an IDL_VPTR that points to an IDL_VARIABLE
- * struct with the IDL_V_TEMP bit set in the flags field.
- * On an error a NULL is returned.
- */
- IDL_VPTR IDL_RPCGettmp(void)
- {
- IDL_VPTR vTmp;
- vTmp = (IDL_VPTR)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(IDL_VARIABLE));
- if(!vTmp){
- perror("malloc");
- return (IDL_VPTR)NULL;
- }
- bzero((char*)vTmp, sizeof(IDL_VARIABLE));
- vTmp->flags = IDL_V_TEMP; /* used to mark the IDL_VARIABLE as dynamic */
- return vTmp;
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCStoreScalar()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This function is used to store a scalar value into an
- * IDL_VPTR variable. This function emulates the Callable IDL
- * function IDL_StoreScalar.
- *
- * entry:
- * dest - The ^ to the IDL_VARIABLE struct where the scalar
- * value is stored. Any dynamic memory that is contained
- * in dest will be deallocated before the store takes place.
- * type - The type of the value to be stored.
- * value - A ^ to an IDL_ALLTYPES union that contains the
- * scalar value to store in the destination variable.
- *
- * exit:
- * The scalar value is stored in the destination variable.
- */
- void IDL_RPCStoreScalar(IDL_VPTR dest, int type,
- IDL_ALLTYPES *value)
- {
- int i;
- /*
- * Free up any dynamic memory being used by the variable
- */
- if(dest->flags & IDL_V_DYNAMIC)
- idl_rpc_delvar(dest);
- dest->flags=0;
- /*
- * Switch on the variable type and do the store.
- */
- switch(dest->type = type){
- case IDL_TYP_BYTE:
- dest->value.c = value->c;
- break;
- case IDL_TYP_INT:
- dest->value.i = value->i;
- break;
- case IDL_TYP_LONG:
- dest->value.l = value->l;
- break;
- dest->value.f = value->f;
- break;
- dest->value.d = value->d;
- break;
- dest->value.cmp = value->cmp;
- break;
- dest->value.dcmp = value->dcmp;
- break;
- dest->value.str = value->str;
- IDL_RPCStrDup( &(dest->value.str), 1L);
- dest->flags = IDL_V_DYNAMIC;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,"IDL_RPCStoreScalar: Unknown Type");
- }
- return; /* thats it, fairly simple */
- }
- /**************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCMakeArray()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This function is used to emulate the IDL function
- * IDL_MakeTempArray() on the client side of the IDL RPC system.
- * This routine accepts parameters that describe the desired array,
- * and then creates a variable and allocates memory for the array.
- *
- * The resulting array is marked such that all dynamic memory
- * will be deallocated by IDL_RPCDeltmp(), IDL_RPCVarCopy()..ect.
- *
- * entry:
- * type - The IDL type code of the desired array.
- * n_dim - The number of dimensions of the array.
- * dim - An array that contains the size of each dimension.
- * init - The type of initialization that is performed on the
- * data block. If the value is set to IDL_BARR_INI_ZERO
- * the data block is cleared, otherwise no initialization
- * is done.
- * var - A ^ to an IDL_VPTR. The address of the created variable
- * is placed in the location referenced by var.
- *
- * exit:
- * var - referances the IDL_VPTR of the created variable.
- * Return Value:
- * On success the function returns the poniter to the array
- * data block. On failure, a NULL is returned.
- *
- */
- char * IDL_RPCMakeArray( int type, int n_dim, IDL_LONG dim[],
- int init, IDL_VPTR *var)
- {
- int i;
- char *pData;
- IDL_VPTR vTmp;
- /*
- * Get a new IDL_VPTR
- */
- if( (vTmp = IDL_RPCGettmp()) == (IDL_VPTR)NULL)
- return (char *)NULL;
- /*
- * Alloc the array struct
- */
- vTmp->value.arr = (IDL_ARRAY*)calloc(1, sizeof(IDL_ARRAY));
- if(!vTmp->value.arr){
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vTmp);
- perror("calloc");
- return((char*)NULL);
- }
- /*
- * Set up the vptr flags.
- */
- vTmp->flags |= IDL_V_ARR | IDL_V_DYNAMIC;
- vTmp->type = type;
- /*
- * Get the element size. Depends on the type.
- */
- switch(type){
- case IDL_TYP_BYTE:
- vTmp->value.arr->elt_len = sizeof(UCHAR);
- break;
- case IDL_TYP_INT:
- vTmp->value.arr->elt_len = sizeof(short);
- break;
- case IDL_TYP_LONG:
- vTmp->value.arr->elt_len = sizeof(IDL_LONG);
- break;
- vTmp->value.arr->elt_len = sizeof(float);
- break;
- vTmp->value.arr->elt_len = sizeof(double);
- break;
- vTmp->value.arr->elt_len = sizeof(IDL_COMPLEX);
- break;
- vTmp->value.arr->elt_len = sizeof(IDL_DCOMPLEX);
- break;
- vTmp->value.arr->elt_len = sizeof(IDL_STRING);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Set the rest of the array fields, start with the number of
- * elements.
- */
- vTmp->value.arr->n_elts = 1;
- for(i=0;i < n_dim; i++){
- vTmp->value.arr->n_elts *= dim[i];
- vTmp->value.arr->dim[i] = dim[i];
- }
- vTmp->value.arr->arr_len = vTmp->value.arr->elt_len *
- vTmp->value.arr->n_elts;
- vTmp->value.arr->n_dim = n_dim;
- /*
- * Now allocate space for the data
- */
- pData = (char*)malloc(vTmp->value.arr->arr_len);
- if(!pData){
- perror("malloc");
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vTmp);
- return((char*)NULL);
- }
- /*
- * Does the user want to initialize this to zero?
- */
- if(init == IDL_BARR_INI_ZERO)
- bzero(pData, vTmp->value.arr->arr_len);
- vTmp->value.arr->data = (UCHAR*)pData;
- *var = vTmp; /* assign vptr to output */
- return pData;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *IDL_RPCImportArray()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This function is used to emulate the IDL function IDL_ImportArray()
- * on the client side of the IDL RPC system. This routine accepts
- * a pointer to a data block that the user whishes to import into an
- * IDL variable as well as parameters that describe the attributes of
- * the data. In addition to this information, the function accepts a
- * a pointer to a user supplied function that can be used to free
- * the memory associated with the imported data.
- *
- * The resulting array is marked such that all dynamic memory
- * will be deallocated by IDL_RPCDeltmp(), IDL_RPCVarCopy()..ect. as
- * well as calling a user supplied memory deallocation call back function.
- *
- * Note: This function does not support structure def. pointers as
- * does IDL_ImportArray(). Structures are not supported by the
- * RPC system.
- * entry:
- * n_dim - The number of dimesions in the array.
- * dim - The number of elements of each dimension.
- * type - The type of the array.
- * data - Pointer to the array block that is being imported.
- * free_cb - Pointer to a function that should be called
- * when freeing the data. If left null free() will be
- * called.
- *
- * exit:
- * Return Value:
- * On success, the function returns an IDL_VPTR that
- * references the IDL_VARIABLE the contains the imported
- * array. On failure, NULL is returned.
- */
- IDL_VPTR IDL_RPCImportArray(int n_dim, IDL_LONG dim[], int type,
- UCHAR *data, IDL_ARRAY_FREE_CB free_cb)
- {
- IDL_VPTR pVptr; /* vptr */
- long n_elements=1;
- long szElement;
- int i;
- /*
- * Are there any dimensions?
- */
- if(n_dim <= 0){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCImportArray: Invalid Number of dimensions");
- return (IDL_VPTR)NULL;
- }
- /*
- * What is the size of an element?
- */
- switch(type){
- case IDL_TYP_INT: szElement=sizeof(short); break;
- case IDL_TYP_LONG: szElement=sizeof(IDL_LONG); break;
- case IDL_TYP_FLOAT: szElement=sizeof(float); break;
- case IDL_TYP_DOUBLE: szElement=sizeof(double); break;
- case IDL_TYP_COMPLEX: szElement=sizeof(IDL_COMPLEX); break;
- case IDL_TYP_DCOMPLEX: szElement=sizeof(IDL_DCOMPLEX); break;
- case IDL_TYP_STRING: szElement=sizeof(IDL_STRING); break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCImportArray: Unknown Type\n");
- return (IDL_VPTR)NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Get a temporary Variable
- */
- pVptr = IDL_RPCGettmp();
- /*
- * Alloc an array block
- */
- pVptr->value.arr = (IDL_ARRAY*)calloc(1, sizeof(IDL_ARRAY));
- if(!pVptr->value.arr){
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVptr);
- return (IDL_VPTR)NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Set-up the correct flags for the variable.
- */
- pVptr->flags |= IDL_V_ARR | IDL_V_DYNAMIC;
- pVptr->type = type;
- for(i=0; i<n_dim; i++){
- pVptr->value.arr->dim[i] = dim[i];
- n_elements *= dim[i];
- }
- pVptr->value.arr->elt_len = szElement;
- pVptr->value.arr->n_dim = (UCHAR)n_dim;
- pVptr->value.arr->arr_len = szElement*n_elements;
- pVptr->value.arr->n_elts = n_elements;
- pVptr->value.arr->free_cb = free_cb;
- pVptr->value.arr->data = data;
- /*
- * That's all
- */
- return pVptr;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * idl_rpc_delvar
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This routine is used to free all of the dynamic memory associated
- * with a variable. This routine doesnt free the variable. This routine
- * should not be called by the user, but is used internally by the rpc
- * client side functions
- * entry:
- * pVar - A IDL_VPTR to the variable to have dynamic memory freed.
- *
- * exit:
- * pVar - All dynamic memory associated with the variable( array
- * and/or strings) is deallocated or a user call-back has been
- * called.
- */
- void idl_rpc_delvar(IDL_VPTR pVar)
- {
- int i;
- int flags=0;
- flags = (IDL_V_TEMP & pVar->flags);
- /*
- * Check for an array.
- */
- if(pVar->flags & IDL_V_ARR){
- if(pVar->flags & IDL_V_DYNAMIC){
- /*
- * was a Free callback function declared?
- */
- if(pVar->value.arr->free_cb != (IDL_ARRAY_FREE_CB)NULL){
- pVar->value.arr->free_cb((UCHAR*)pVar->value.arr->data);
- }else{
- /*
- * Have a dynamic array that needs to be free'd. Is this a string
- * array?
- */
- if(pVar->type == IDL_TYP_STRING){
- IDL_RPCStrDelete((IDL_STRING*)pVar->value.arr->data,
- pVar->value.arr->n_elts);
- }
- free(pVar->value.arr->data);
- }
- }
- free(pVar->value.arr); /* the array block is always dynamic */
- }else if(pVar->type == IDL_TYP_STRING){
- if(pVar->value.str.stype)
- free(pVar->value.str.s);
- }
- /*
- * Now just clear out the variable.
- */
- bzero((char*)pVar, sizeof(IDL_VARIABLE));
- pVar->flags = flags; /* save temp flag. it is used to indicate */
- /* that the variable struct is dynamic */
- }
- /****************
- * String Section.
- ***********************************************************************
- * idl_rpc_strup()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Used to upcase a string.
- *
- * entry:
- * dst - The destination of the string variable.
- * src - The source string
- *
- * exit:
- * dst contains a upcased version of src.
- *
- */
- void idl_rpc_strup(char * dst, char * src)
- {
- char c;
- do{
- c = *src++;
- if(islower(c))
- c = toupper(c);
- }while(*dst++ = c);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCStrDup()
- *
- * Purpose:
- *
- * This function is used to emulate the Callable IDL function
- * IDL_RPCStrDup(). This function should only be used on the client
- * side of the RPC routines.
- *
- * entry:
- * str - A ^ to an IDL_STRING struct array.
- * n - The number of elements in the str.
- *
- * exit:
- * str contains copies of the string values that where contained
- * in the IDL_STRING structures.
- * If an error is detected, the string struct is cleared.
- */
- void IDL_RPCStrDup(IDL_STRING *str, IDL_LONG n)
- {
- for(;n--; str++){
- if(str->slen && str->stype){
- if((str->s = (char*)strdup(str->s))==(char*)NULL)
- bzero( (char*)str, sizeof(IDL_STRING));
- else
- str->stype = 1; /* flag for dynamic */
- }
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCStrDelete()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This routine is used to free any dynamic memory contained in the
- * string descriptors.
- *
- * entry:
- * str - A ^ to an IDL_STRING struct array.
- * n - The number of elements in str.
- *
- * exit:
- * All dynamic values in the strings are deallocated and the
- * IDL_STRING structs are set to reflect this.
- *
- */
- void IDL_RPCStrDelete(IDL_STRING *str, IDL_LONG n)
- {
- for(;n--; str++){
- /*
- * Free the string if it is dynamic and has a length
- */
- if(str->slen && str->stype){
- free(str->s);
- bzero((char*)str, sizeof(IDL_STRING));
- }
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCStrStore()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This routine is used to store a C string into an IDL String. The
- * C string is strdup'd.
- *
- * entry:
- * s - The ^ to a IDL_STRING struct that will get copy of the
- * C string.
- * fs - The C string to copy.
- * exit:
- * s contains a copy of the C string or has been cleared if fs = null.
- */
- void IDL_RPCStrStore( IDL_STRING *s, char *fs)
- {
- int len;
- if((len=strlen(fs))){
- s->s = (char*)strdup(fs);
- s->slen = len;
- s->stype=1;
- } else
- bzero((char*)s, sizeof(IDL_STRING));
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * IDL_RPCStrEnsureLength()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Used to ensure that a string is of a certain length.
- *
- * entry:
- * s - A ^ to a IDL_STRING struct that will get the string.
- * n - The lenght to be allocated.
- *
- * exit:
- * The string field of the IDL_STRING struct is set to the desired length.
- */
- void IDL_RPCStrEnsureLength(IDL_STRING *s, int n)
- {
- if(n){ /* make a non-null dynamic string */
- if( ((int)s->slen < n) || !(s->stype)){
- IDL_RPCStrDelete(s, 1L);
- s->s = (char*)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(char)*n+1);
- if(!s->s){
- bzero((char*)s, sizeof(IDL_STRING));
- return;
- }
- s->stype=1;
- }
- s->slen = n;
- }else { /* Want a null string */
- if(s->slen){
- IDL_RPCStrDelete(s, 1L);
- bzero((char*)s, sizeof(IDL_STRING));
- }
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- */
- void IDL_RPCVarGetData(IDL_VPTR v, IDL_LONG *n, char **pd,
- int ensure_simple)
- /*
- * Given a pointer to a varible, return the number of elements
- * and a pointer to the data area. This routine takes care of the
- * distinction between arrays and scalars.
- *
- * entry:
- * v - Variable for which data is desired.
- * n - Address of variable to receive # of elements.
- * pd - Address of variable to receive pointer to data.
- * ensure_simple - If TRUE, this routine calls the ENSURE_SIMPLE
- * macro on the argument v to screen out variables of the
- * types it prevents. Otherwise, EXCLUDE_FILE is called,
- * because file variables have no data area to return.
- *
- * exit:
- * *n - Receives count of elements.
- * *pd - Receives pointer to data.
- */
- {
- if(!v->type)
- return;
- if (ensure_simple) {
- if((v->flags &(IDL_V_FILE|IDL_V_STRUCT))||
- (v->type & (IDL_TYP_OBJREF|IDL_TYP_PTR)))
- return;
- } else {
- if(v->flags & IDL_V_FILE)
- return;
- }
- if (v->flags & IDL_V_ARR) { /* Array? */
- *n = v->value.arr->n_elts; /* Return values */
- *pd = (char *) v->value.arr->data;
- } else {
- *n = 1; /* Scalar, one element */
- *pd = (char *) &v->value;
- }
- }